We would like to know how we can improve our service to you and how you perceive the Practice and our staff.
To help us with this, we have set up a Patient Participation Group so that you can have your say. We will ask the members of this group some questions from time to time, such as what you think about our opening times or the quality of the care or service you have received. We will contact you via email and keep our surveys succinct so it shouldn’t take too much of your time.
We aim to gather around a hundred patients from as broad a spectrum as possible to get a truly representative sample. We need young people, workers, retirees, people with long-term conditions and people from non-British ethnic groups.
Join our Patient Participation Group
If you wish to participate please contact the Practice or complete the online form by clicking on the button shown below.
OR: if you prefer, you can download the sign-up form below, print it out, fill it in, and post it to the Practice, put it through the letterbox, or hand it to a Receptionist.
Download the pdf version of our sign up form
We aim to acknowledge your request within a few days.
Please note that the PPG cannot become involved in matters of a specifically medical or clinical nature.
The National Association of Patient Participation
The national association for patient participation aims to promote the role and benefits of PPGs to patients, the public and health professionals, to create more understanding of the value of true patient participation also to promote the support available from N.A.P.P.