Name of Group
- Faccini House Surgery Patient Participation Group ( FHS PPG)
Aim of the Group
- The aim of the Group is to give a voice to the patients of Faccini House Surgery and to promote co-operation between the Practice and Patients to the mutual benefit of both.
- To provide a forum for consultation on service development and provision.
- To be informed about Practice decisions relating to the provision of services and to provide constructive patient feedback on such decisions.
- To facilitate active involvement in seeking the views and experiences of patients (including the annual survey).
- To provide patient feedback on patient needs, concerns and interests, highlighting good practice as well as identifying areas for improvement.
- To explore ways in which the practice views can be disseminated to the wider practice population.
- To feed practice views into the Sutton Clinical Commissioning Group (SCCG) Patient Reference Group and where possible, respond to requests for patient feedback on local commissioning issues.
Membership of the Group
- Will be open to all registered patients of the practice, carers of registered patients and staff of the practice
- The maximum number of patient members will be 10.
- Registered patients should form the majority of the group
- Meetings will be held quarterly, on practice premises, with times and days agreed on a rolling basis.
- Members of the patient group will be responsible for submitting an agenda, chairing the meeting, and arranging for minutes to be taken and distributed to the group and to the Practice Manager.
- The Chair will liaise with the practice to arrange and share details of meeting arrangements.
- Meetings should aim to last no longer than one and a half hours
- Meetings will start and finish on time and stick to the agenda
- Meetings of the Patient Group will not be forums for individual complaints or single issues. Any complaints will be dealt with according to the practice complaints procedure.
- Members will be asked to declare any interests which may potentially conflict with matters being discussed (ie any connection with another body or organisation which may influence the opinions or behaviour of the individual)
- Members should remain courteous and respectful of others and understand that there may not be agreement on some issues and that the majority view will be taken to reach agreement.
- Members will be required to send apologies if they are unable to attend a meeting.
- The Chair/Patient Champion will be elected from and by the group on an annual basis
- Any actions and decisions agreed by the PPG will be referred to the Practice Manager
The practice has authority to accept or decline proposals from the PPG.
Conflict management
- In the event of any conflict or disagreement within the group, matters will be referred to the practice manager. There will be the opportunity to escalate to the senior Partner on appeal.
Equality and Diversity
- PPG will work to be inclusive, value difference and give equal opportunities to all, aiming to eliminate all types of discrimination on the grounds of race, culture, ethnic origin, nationality, gender, sexuality, disability, age, class, appearance, religion or caring role.
- A member of the Practice staff will be available to attend all meetings of the PPG.
- The Chair/Patient Champion will liaise with the Practice prior to making any proposed communications with other patients/ third party organisations.
Patient Reference Group
- The group will select, from its membership, 2 representatives to attend the Patient Reference Group.
- Representatives will be asked to attend regularly on behalf of the practice, represent FHS patient views, provide feedback from PRG meetings and provide minutes for circulation.
The terms set out above will be reviewed on a regular basis to ensure that they continue to reflect the way the group wishes to run.